

[和合本] 摩西就照耶和华所吩咐的行了。于是会众聚集在会幕门口。

[新标点] 摩西就照耶和华所吩咐的行了;于是会众聚集在会幕门口。

[和合修] 摩西就遵照耶和华的吩咐做了,于是会众聚集在会幕的门口。

[新译本] 于是摩西照着耶和华命令他的去行,会众就聚集到会幕门口那里。

[当代修] 摩西按照耶和华的指示行事,会众都聚集在会幕门前。

[现代修] 摩西遵照上主的命令做了。全体民众都集合在圣幕门口后,

[吕振中] 摩西照永恒主所吩咐他的去行,会众就聚集在会棚的出入处。

[思高本] 梅瑟便依照上主所吩咐的做了。当会众集合在会幕门口后,

[文理本] 摩西遵耶和华命、会众集于会幕门、

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Leviticus 8:4

[GNT] Moses did as the LORD had commanded, and when the community had assembled,

[BBE] And Moses did as the Lord said, and all the people came together at the door of the Tent of meeting.

[KJV] And Moses did as the LORD commanded him; and the assembly was gathered together unto the door of the tabernacle of the congregation.

[NKJV] So Moses did as the LORD commanded him. And the congregation was gathered together at the door of the tabernacle of meeting.

[KJ21] And Moses did as the LORD commanded him, and the assembly was gathered together unto the door of the tabernacle of the congregation.

[NASB] So Moses did just as the Lord commanded him. When the congregation was assembled at the doorway of the tent of meeting,

[NRSV] And Moses did as the LORD commanded him. When the congregation was assembled at the entrance of the tent of meeting,

[WEB] Moses did as Yahweh commanded him; and the congregation was assembled at the door of the Tent of Meeting.

[ESV] And Moses did as the LORD commanded him, and the congregation was assembled at the entrance of the tent of meeting.

[NIV] Moses did as the LORD commanded him, and the assembly gathered at the entrance to the Tent of Meeting.

[NIrV] Moses did just as the Lord had commanded him. All of the people gathered together at the entrance to the Tent of Meeting.

[HCSB] So Moses did as the LORD commanded him, and the community assembled at the entrance to the tent of meeting.

[CSB] So Moses did as the LORD commanded him, and the community assembled at the entrance to the tent of meeting.

[AMP] Moses did as the Lord commanded him, and the congregation was assembled at the door of the Tent of Meeting.

[NLT] So Moses followed the LORD's instructions, and the whole community assembled at the Tabernacle entrance.

[YLT] And Moses doth as Jehovah hath commanded him, and the company is assembled unto the opening of the tent of meeting,

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