

[和合本] 且因在这海口过冬不便,船上的人就多半说,不如开船离开这地方,或者能到非尼基过冬。非尼基是克里特的一个海口,一面朝东北,一面朝东南。

[新标点] 且因在这海口过冬不便,船上的人就多半说,不如开船离开这地方,或者能到菲尼基过冬。菲尼基是克里特的一个海口,一面朝东北,一面朝东南。

[和合修] 且因在这港口不适宜过冬,船上大多数的人都主张开船离开这地方,或者能到非尼基去过冬。非尼基是克里特的一个港口,一面朝西南,一面朝西北。

[新译本] 而且这港口不适宜过冬,所以大多数人主张离开那里,也许可以到非尼基去过冬。非尼基是克里特的一个港口,一面向西南,一面向西北。

[当代修] 由于佳澳港不适宜过冬,大部分人赞成启航,以为或许可以赶到菲尼基过冬。菲尼基是克里特的一个港口,一面向西南,一面向西北。

[现代修] 这港口也不是过冬的理想地方;因此大多数的人赞成开船,尽可能赶到菲尼基去过冬。菲尼基是克里特岛的一个港口,朝向西南和西北【注21、“西南和西北”或译“东北和东南”】。

[吕振中] 又因为在这个港口不便于过冬,大多数的人就都主张该从那里开船,或者能够抵达非尼喀去过冬:这非尼喀是革哩底的一个港口,一面朝着西南、一面朝着西北的。

[思高本] 又因为这港口不适于过冬,大多数人便提议由这里开船,或者能到腓尼斯去过冬,腓尼斯是克里特的一个港口,面朝西南和西北。

[文理本] 且以此澳度冬不便、多劝前行、或可至非尼基度冬、即革哩底之一澳、向东南东北者、

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Acts 27:12

[GNT] The harbor was not a good one to spend the winter in; so almost everyone was in favor of putting out to sea and trying to reach Phoenix, if possible, in order to spend the winter there. Phoenix is a harbor in Crete that faces southwest and northwest.

[BBE] But the captain gave more attention to the master and the owner of the ship than to what Paul said.

[KJV] And because the haven was not commodious to winter in, the more part advised to depart thence also, if by any means they might attain to Phenice, and there to winter; which is an haven of Crete, and lieth toward the south west and north west.

[NKJV] And because the harbor was not suitable to winter in, the majority advised to set sail from there also, if by any means they could reach Phoenix, a harbor of Crete opening toward the southwest and northwest, [and] winter [there.]

[KJ21] And because the haven was not commodious to winter in, the greater number advised to depart thence also, hoping that by some means they might attain Phoenix, which is a haven of Crete and lieth toward the southwest and northwest, and there to winter.

[NASB] The harbor was not suitable for wintering, so the majority reached a decision to put out to sea from there, if somehow they could reach Phoenix, a harbor of Crete facing southwest and northwest, and spend the winter there.

[NRSV] Since the harbor was not suitable for spending the winter, the majority was in favor of putting to sea from there, on the chance that somehow they could reach Phoenix, where they could spend the winter. It was a harbor of Crete, facing southwest and nort

[WEB] Because the haven was not suitable to winter in, the majority advised going to sea from there, if by any means they could reach Phoenix, and winter there, which is a port of Crete, looking southwest and northwest.

[ESV] And because the harbor was not suitable to spend the winter in, the majority decided to put out to sea from there, on the chance that somehow they could reach Phoenix, a harbor of Crete, facing both southwest and northwest, and spend the winter there.

[NIV] Since the harbor was unsuitable to winter in, the majority decided that we should sail on, hoping to reach Phoenix and winter there. This was a harbor in Crete, facing both southwest and northwest.

[NIrV] But the commander didn't listen to what Paul said. Instead, he followed the advice of the pilot and the ship's owner.

[HCSB] Since the harbor was unsuitable to winter in, the majority decided to set sail from there, hoping somehow to reach Phoenix, a harbor on Crete open to the southwest and northwest, and to winter there.

[CSB] Since the harbor was unsuitable to winter in, the majority decided to set sail from there, hoping somehow to reach Phoenix, a harbor on Crete open to the southwest and northwest, and to winter there.

[AMP] And as the harbor was not well situated and so unsuitable to winter in, the majority favored the plan of putting to sea again from there, hoping somehow to reach Phoenice, a harbor of Crete facing southwest and northwest, and winter there.

[NLT] And since Fair Havens was an exposed harbor-- a poor place to spend the winter-- most of the crew wanted to go on to Phoenix, farther up the coast of Crete, and spend the winter there. Phoenix was a good harbor with only a southwest and northwest exposure.

[YLT] and the haven being incommodious to winter in, the more part gave counsel to sail thence also, if by any means they might be able, having attained to Phenice, [there] to winter, [which is] a haven of Crete, looking to the south-west and north-west,

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