

[和合本] 但遇着两水夹流的地方,就把船搁了浅。船头胶住不动,船尾被浪的猛力冲坏。

[新标点] 但遇着两水夹流的地方,就把船搁了浅;船头胶住不动,船尾被浪的猛力冲坏。

[和合修] 但碰到两水夹流的地方,就搁了浅,船头胶住不动,船尾被浪的猛力冲坏了【“船尾…冲坏了”:有古卷是“船尾被猛力冲坏了”;另有古卷是“船尾被浪冲坏了”】。

[新译本] 但在海水夹流的地方,船就搁了浅,船头胶着不动,船尾被海浪冲击,就损坏了。

[当代修] 可是,遇到两流交汇的水域,就在那里搁了浅,船头卡在那里不能动弹,船尾被大浪撞裂了。

[现代修] 但是,船因冲到沙洲搁浅,船头胶住,不能转动,船尾被大浪猛力冲击,破损不堪。

[吕振中] 忽然碰到夹流地方,竟把大船搁浅了:船头坐礁,定在那里,摇动不了,船尾却被波浪之猛力冲坏。

[思高本] 不料却碰到一道沙滩,两边有海,竟把船搁浅了,船头陷入,胶定不动,船尾却被浪涛猛力冲坏。

[文理本] 值二水夹流处、舟遂搁、舟首胶定不动、舟尾因浪猛烈而破、

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Acts 27:41

[GNT] But the ship hit a sandbank and went aground; the front part of the ship got stuck and could not move, while the back part was being broken to pieces by the violence of the waves.

[BBE] So cutting away the hooks, and letting them go into the sea, and freeing the cords of the guiding-blades, and lifting up the sail to the wind, they went in the direction of the inlet.

[KJV] And falling into a place where two seas met, they ran the ship aground; and the forepart stuck fast, and remained unmoveable, but the hinder part was broken with the violence of the waves.

[NKJV] But striking a place where two seas met, they ran the ship aground; and the prow stuck fast and remained immovable, but the stern was being broken up by the violence of the waves.

[KJ21] And falling into a place where two currents met, they ran the ship aground; and the forepart stuck fast and remained immovable, but the stern began to break up with the violence of the waves.

[NASB] But they struck a (Lit place)reef where two seas met and ran the ship aground; and the prow stuck firmly and remained immovable, while the stern started to break up due to the force of the waves.

[NRSV] But striking a reef, they ran the ship aground; the bow stuck and remained immovable, but the stern was being broken up by the force of the waves.

[WEB] But coming to a place where two seas met, they ran the vessel aground. The bow struck and remained immovable, but the stern began to break up by the violence of the waves.

[ESV] But striking a reef, they ran the vessel aground. The bow stuck and remained immovable, and the stern was being broken up by the surf.

[NIV] But the ship struck a sandbar and ran aground. The bow stuck fast and would not move, and the stern was broken to pieces by the pounding of the surf.

[NIrV] So they cut the anchors loose and left them in the sea. At the same time, they untied the ropes that held the rudders. They lifted the sail at the front of the ship to the wind. Then they headed for the beach.

[HCSB] But they struck a sandbar and ran the ship aground. The bow jammed fast and remained immovable, but the stern began to break up with the pounding of the waves.

[CSB] But they struck a sandbar and ran the ship aground. The bow jammed fast and remained immovable, but the stern began to break up with the pounding of the waves.

[AMP] But striking a crosscurrent (a place open to two seas) they ran the ship aground. The prow stuck fast and remained immovable, and the stern began to break up under the violent force of the waves.

[NLT] But they hit a shoal and ran the ship aground too soon. The bow of the ship stuck fast, while the stern was repeatedly smashed by the force of the waves and began to break apart.

[YLT] and having fallen into a place of two seas, they ran the ship aground, and the fore-part, indeed, having stuck fast, did remain immoveable, but the hinder-part was broken by the violence of the waves.

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