

[和合本] 看哪,在你们所住之地,我必压你们,如同装满禾捆的车压物一样。

[新标点] 看哪,在你们所住之地,我必压你们,如同装满禾捆的车压物一样。

[和合修] 快跑的无从避难,壮士无法使力,勇士也不能自救;

[新译本] 看哪!我要使你脚下的地摇荡,好像满载禾捆的车子摇荡一样。

[当代修] 看啊,我要压碎你们,如满载谷物的车轧过一样。

[现代修] 所以我要把你们压倒在地上,压得像满载五榖的车子咯吱咯吱作响。

[吕振中] “看吧,在你们住的地方我必压你们,如同装满禾捆的车压(意难确定)物一样。

[思高本] 看,我要使你们脚下的地摇荡,好像满载禾捆的车摇荡一样,

[文理本] 我必压尔、如满载禾束之车之輘轹然、

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Amos 2:13

[GNT] And now I will crush you to the ground, and you will groan like a cart loaded with grain.

[BBE] See, I am crushing you down, as one is crushed under a cart full of grain.

[KJV] Behold, I am pressed under you, as a cart is pressed that is full of sheaves.

[NKJV] " Behold, I am weighed down by you, As a cart full of sheaves is weighed down.

[KJ21] "Behold, I am pressed under you, as a cart is pressed that is full of sheaves.

[NASB] Behold, I am making a rut in the ground beneath you, Just as a wagon makes a rut when filled with sheaves.

[NRSV] So, I will press you down in your place, just as a cart presses down when it is full of sheaves.

[WEB] Behold,[*] I will crush you in your place, as a cart crushes that is full of grain.[*"Behold", from "הִנֵּה", means look at, take notice, observe, see, or gaze at. It is often used as an interjection.]

[ESV] "Behold, I will press you down in your place, as a cart full of sheaves presses down.

[NIV] "Now then, I will crush you as a cart crushes when loaded with grain.

[NIrV] "A cart that is loaded with grain crushes anything it runs over. In the same way, I will crush you.

[HCSB] Look, I am about to crush [you] in your place as a wagon full of sheaves crushes [grain].

[CSB] Look, I am about to crush [you] in your place as a wagon full of sheaves crushes [grain].

[AMP] Behold, I am pressed under you and I will press you down in your place as a cart presses that is full of sheaves.

[NLT] "So I will make you groan like a wagon loaded down with sheaves of grain.

[YLT] Lo, I am pressing you under, As the full cart doth press for itself a sheaf.

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