

[和合本] 扫罗正与祭司说话的时候,非利士营中的喧嚷越发大了。扫罗就对祭司说:“停手吧!”

[新标点] 扫罗正与祭司说话的时候,非利士营中的喧嚷越发大了;扫罗就对祭司说:“停手吧!”

[和合修] 扫罗正与祭司说话的时候,非利士营中的骚乱越来越剧烈;扫罗就对祭司说:“停手吧!”

[新译本] 扫罗正对祭司说话的时候,非利士营中的骚乱越来越大,扫罗就对祭司说:“住手吧!”

[当代修] 扫罗和祭司说话的时候,非利士人营里越来越混乱。扫罗对祭司说:“停手吧。”

[现代修] 正当扫罗对祭司说话的时候,非利士营帐中越来越混乱;扫罗对祭司说:“我们来不及求问上主了!”

[吕振中] 扫罗正和祭司说话的时候,非利士人营中的喧嚷越来越大了。扫罗就对祭司说:“停手吧。”

[思高本] 撒乌耳还同司祭说话时,培肋舍特人营中的混乱愈来愈大,撒乌耳就对司祭说:“收回你的手去!”

[文理本] 扫罗与祭司相语时、非利士营中喧哗益甚、扫罗告祭司曰、姑止尔手、

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1 Samuel 14:19

[GNT] As Saul was speaking to the priest, the confusion in the Philistine camp kept getting worse, so Saul said to him, "There's no time to consult the LORD!"

[BBE] Now while Saul was talking to the priest, the noise in the tents of the Philistines became louder and louder; and Saul said to the priest, Take back your hand.

[KJV] And it came to pass, while Saul talked unto the priest, that the noise that was in the host of the Philistines went on and increased: and Saul said unto the priest, Withdraw thine hand.

[NKJV] Now it happened, while Saul talked to the priest, that the noise which [was] in the camp of the Philistines continued to increase; so Saul said to the priest, "Withdraw your hand."

[KJ21] And it came to pass, while Saul talked unto the priest, that the noise that was in the host of the Philistines went on and increased; and Saul said unto the priest, "Withdraw thine hand."

[NASB] While Saul talked to the priest, the commotion in the camp of the Philistines continued and increased; so Saul said to the priest, "Withdraw your hand."

[NRSV] While Saul was talking to the priest, the tumult in the camp of the Philistines increased more and more; and Saul said to the priest, "Withdraw your hand."

[WEB] While Saul talked to the priest, the tumult that was in the camp of the Philistines went on and increased; and Saul said to the priest, "Withdraw your hand!"

[ESV] Now while Saul was talking to the priest, the tumult in the camp of the Philistines increased more and more. So Saul said to the priest, "Withdraw your hand."

[NIV] While Saul was talking to the priest, the tumult in the Philistine camp increased more and more. So Saul said to the priest, "Withdraw your hand."

[NIrV] While Saul was talking to the priest, the noise in the Philistine camp increased more and more. So Saul said to him, "Stop what you are doing."

[HCSB] While Saul spoke to the priest, the panic in the Philistine camp increased in intensity. So Saul said to the priest, "Stop what you're doing."

[CSB] While Saul spoke to the priest, the panic in the Philistine camp increased in intensity. So Saul said to the priest, "Stop what you're doing."

[AMP] While Saul talked to the priest, the tumult in the Philistine camp kept increasing. Then Saul said to the priest, Withdraw your hand.

[NLT] But while Saul was talking to the priest, the confusion in the Philistine camp grew louder and louder. So Saul said to the priest, "Never mind; let's get going!"

[YLT] And it cometh to pass, while Saul spake unto the priest, that the noise which [is] in the camp of the Philistines goeth on, going on and becoming great, and Saul saith unto the priest, 'Remove thy hand.'

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