

[和合本] 大卫对亚吉说:“我若在你眼前蒙恩,求你在京外的城邑中赐我一个地方居住。仆人何必与王同住京都呢?”

[新标点] 大卫对亚吉说:“我若在你眼前蒙恩,求你在京外的城邑中赐我一个地方居住。仆人何必与王同住京都呢?”

[和合修] 大卫对亚吉说:“我若蒙你看得起,求你在郊外的城镇中赐我一个地方,让我住在那里。仆人何必与王同住京城呢?”

[新译本] 大卫对亚吉说:“我若是在你眼前蒙恩,求你在这地的城市中,给我一个地方,让我住在那里。为什么要你的仆人与你一同住在王城呢?”

[当代修] 大卫对亚吉说:“如果你开恩,就让我到郊野的一个城邑去住吧,何必让仆人与王一同住在都城呢?”

[现代修] 大卫对亚吉王说:“王若把我当作朋友,请赐给我一座容身的小城。何必让我跟王一起住在京城呢?”

[吕振中] 大卫对亚吉说:“我若得到你顾爱,求将乡间一个市镇中给我一个地方、让我住在那里;仆人怎可和王同住王城呢?”

[思高本] 达味向阿基士说:“假使我在你眼中获得宠幸,请在乡间城镇里给我一块地方,叫我住在那里;为什么你的仆人要同你一起住在京城内呢?”

[文理本] 大卫谓亚吉曰、如沾尔恩、请以郊外之邑、赐我居处、何必偕王居京都乎、

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1 Samuel 27:5

[GNT] David said to Achish, "If you are my friend, let me have a small town to live in. There is no need, sir, for me to live with you in the capital city."

[BBE] Then David said to Achish, If now I have grace in your eyes, let me have a place in one of the smaller towns of your land, to be my living-place; for it is not right for your servant to be living with you in the king's town.

[KJV] And David said unto Achish, If I have now found grace in thine eyes, let them give me a place in some town in the country, that I may dwell there: for why should thy servant dwell in the royal city with thee?

[NKJV] Then David said to Achish, "If I have now found favor in your eyes, let them give me a place in some town in the country, that I may dwell there. For why should your servant dwell in the royal city with you?"

[KJ21] And David said unto Achish, "If I have now found grace in thine eyes, let them give me a place in some town in the country, that I may dwell there; for why should thy servant dwell in the royal city with thee?"

[NASB] Then David said to Achish, "If now I have found favor in your sight, have them give me a place in one of the cities in the country, so that I may live there; for why should your servant live in the royal city with you?"

[NRSV] Then David said to Achish, "If I have found favor in your sight, let a place be given me in one of the country towns, so that I may live there; for why should your servant live in the royal city with you?"

[WEB] David said to Achish, "If now I have found favor in your eyes, let them give me a place in one of the cities in the country, that I may dwell there. For why should your servant dwell in the royal city with you?"

[ESV] Then David said to Achish, "If I have found favor in your eyes, let a place be given me in one of the country towns, that I may dwell there. For why should your servant dwell in the royal city with you?"

[NIV] Then David said to Achish, "If I have found favor in your eyes, let a place be assigned to me in one of the country towns, that I may live there. Why should your servant live in the royal city with you?"

[NIrV] David said to Achish, "If you are pleased with me, give me a place in one of your country towns. I can live there. I don't really need to live near you in the royal city."

[HCSB] Now David said to Achish, "If I have found favor with you, let me be given a place in one of the outlying towns, so I can live there. Why should your servant live in the royal city with you?"

[CSB] Now David said to Achish, "If I have found favor with you, let me be given a place in one of the outlying towns, so I can live there. Why should your servant live in the royal city with you?"

[AMP] And David said to Achish, If I have now found favor in your eyes, let me be given a place to dwell in some country town; for why should your servant live in the royal city with you?

[NLT] One day David said to Achish, "If it is all right with you, we would rather live in one of the country towns instead of here in the royal city."

[YLT] And David saith unto Achish, 'If, I pray thee, I have found grace in thine eyes, they give to me a place in one of the cities of the field, and I dwell there, yea, why doth thy servant dwell in the royal city with thee?'

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