

[和合本] 大卫差人去,将妇人接来。那时她的月经才得洁净。她来了,大卫与她同房,她就回家去了。

[新标点] 大卫差人去,将妇人接来;那时她的月经才得洁净。她来了,大卫与她同房,她就回家去了。

[和合修] 大卫派使者去把妇人接来;她来到大卫那里,那时她的月经刚洁净,大卫与她同寝。她就回家去了。

[新译本] 于是大卫差派使者去把她接来。她来到大卫那里,大卫就与她同房。那时她的月经刚得洁净。事后,她就回家去了。

[当代修] 大卫差人把她接来,她来了,大卫就与她同寝,那时她的月经刚洁净。事后,她便回家去了。

[现代修] 大卫派使者去召她;他们把拔示芭接来,大卫就跟她同房。(那时拔示芭的月经刚洁净。)事后,拔示芭回家去。

[吕振中] 大卫打发使者将妇人接来;那时她的月经刚得洁净;妇人来到大卫那里,大卫就和妇人同寝,妇人便回家去。

[思高本] 达味就派人将她接来;她来到他那里,达味就与她同寝,那时她的月经刚洁净了。事后,她便回了家。

[文理本] 大卫遣使取之、既至、濯其不洁、大卫与之同寝、妇乃归、

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2 Samuel 11:4

[GNT] David sent messengers to get her; they brought her to him and he made love to her. (She had just finished her monthly ritual of purification.) Then she went back home.

[BBE] And David sent and took her; and she came to him, and he took her to his bed: (for she had been made clean;) then she went back to her house.

[KJV] And David sent messengers, and took her; and she came in unto him, and he lay with her; for she was purified from her uncleanness: and she returned unto her house.

[NKJV] Then David sent messengers, and took her; and she came to him, and he lay with her, for she was cleansed from her impurity; and she returned to her house.

[KJ21] And David sent messengers, and took her; and she came in unto him, and he lay with her, for she was purified from her uncleanness; and she returned unto her house.

[NASB] Then David sent messengers and (Lit took her)had her brought, and when she came to him, he slept with her; and when she had purified herself from her uncleanness, she returned to her house.

[NRSV] So David sent messengers to get her, and she came to him, and he lay with her. (Now she was purifying herself after her period.) Then she returned to her house.

[WEB] David sent messengers, and took her; and she came in to him, and he lay with her (for she was purified from her uncleanness); and she returned to her house.

[ESV] So David sent messengers and took her, and she came to him, and he lay with her. ( Now she had been purifying herself from her uncleanness.) Then she returned to her house.

[NIV] Then David sent messengers to get her. She came to him, and he slept with her. (She had purified herself from her uncleanness.) Then she went back home.

[NIrV] Then David sent messengers to get her. She came to him. And he had sex with her. Then she went back home. All of that took place after she had already made herself "clean" from her monthly period.

[HCSB] David sent messengers to get her, and when she came to him, he slept with her. Now she had just been purifying herself from her uncleanness. Afterwards, she returned home.

[CSB] David sent messengers to get her, and when she came to him, he slept with her. Now she had just been purifying herself from her uncleanness. Afterwards, she returned home.

[AMP] And David sent messengers and took her. And she came in to him, and he lay with her--for she was purified from her uncleanness. Then she returned to her house.

[NLT] Then David sent messengers to get her; and when she came to the palace, he slept with her. She had just completed the purification rites after having her menstrual period. Then she returned home.

[YLT] And David sendeth messengers, and taketh her, and she cometh unto him, and he lieth with her -- and she is purifying herself from her uncleanness -- and she turneth back unto her house;

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