

[和合本] 押沙龙说:“王若不去,求王许我哥哥暗嫩同去。”王说:“何必要他去呢?”

[新标点] 押沙龙说:“王若不去,求王许我哥哥暗嫩同去。”王说:“何必要他去呢?”

[和合修] 押沙龙说:“王若不去,请让我哥哥暗嫩与我们同去。”王对他说:“为何要他与你同去呢?”

[新译本] 押沙龙说:“王若是不去,求王让我的哥哥暗嫩与我一同去。”王问他:“为什么要他与你一同去呢?”

[当代修] 押沙龙说:“倘若王不去,求你叫我兄弟暗嫩去吧。”大卫说:“何必要他同去呢?”

[现代修] 押沙龙说:“那么,至少请让我哥哥暗嫩跟我去吧。”王说:“何必要他去呢?”

[吕振中] 押沙龙说:“不、求王许我哥哥暗嫩和我们一同去吧。”王对他说:“为什么要暗嫩和你一同去呢?”

[思高本] 阿贝沙隆便说:“至少让我的兄弟阿默农同我们一起去!”君王回答说:“为什么要他同你一起去?”

[文理本] 押沙龙曰、如尔不往、则请许兄暗嫩偕往、王曰、彼偕尔往、曷故、

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2 Samuel 13:26

[GNT] But Absalom said, "Well, then, will you at least let my brother Amnon come?" "Why should he?" the king asked.

[BBE] Then Absalom said, If you will not go, then let my brother Amnon go with us. And the king said to him, Is there any reason for him to go with you?

[KJV] Then said Absalom, If not, I pray thee, let my brother Amnon go with us. And the king said unto him, Why should he go with thee?

[NKJV] Then Absalom said, "If not, please let my brother Amnon go with us." And the king said to him, "Why should he go with you?"

[KJ21] Then said Absalom, "If not, I pray thee, let my brother Amnon go with us." And the king said unto him, "Why should he go with thee?"

[NASB] Then Absalom said, "If not, please have my brother Amnon go with us." But the king said to him, "Why should he go with you?"

[NRSV] Then Absalom said, "If not, please let my brother Amnon go with us." The king said to him, "Why should he go with you?"

[WEB] Then Absalom said, "If not, please let my brother Amnon go with us."The king said to him, "Why should he go with you?"

[ESV] Then Absalom said, "If not, please let my brother Amnon go with us." And the king said to him, "Why should he go with you?"

[NIV] Then Absalom said, "If not, please let my brother Amnon come with us." The king asked him, "Why should he go with you?"

[NIrV] Then Absalom said, "If you won't come, please let my brother Amnon come with us." The king asked him, "Why should he go with you?"

[HCSB] "If not," Absalom said, "please let my brother Amnon go with us." The king asked him, "Why should he go with you?"

[CSB] "If not," Absalom said, "please let my brother Amnon go with us." The king asked him, "Why should he go with you?"

[AMP] Then said Absalom, If not, I pray you, let my brother Amnon go with us. And the king said to him, Why should he go with you?

[NLT] "Well, then," Absalom said, "if you can't come, how about sending my brother Amnon with us?" "Why Amnon?" the king asked.

[YLT] And Absalom saith, 'If not -- let, I pray thee, Amnon my brother go with us;' and the king saith to him, 'Why doth he go with thee?'

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