

[和合本] 你手未曾捆绑,脚未曾锁住,你死如人死在罪孽之辈手下一样。”于是众民又为押尼珥哀哭。

[新标点] 你手未曾捆绑,脚未曾锁住。你死,如人死在罪孽之辈手下一样。于是众民又为押尼珥哀哭。

[和合修] 你手未曾被捆绑,脚未曾被脚镣锁住。你仆倒,如仆倒在凶恶之子手下一样。于是众百姓又为押尼珥哀哭。

[新译本] 你的手没有被绳索绑住,你的脚也没有被铜链锁住,你倒毙,好像人在暴徒面前倒毙一样!”于是,众民又为押尼珥哀哭。

[当代修] 你的手没有被捆,你的脚没有被锁,你是死在阴险小人的手里啊!”于是众人都为押尼珥哀哭。

[现代修] 你的双手没有被绑;你的双脚没有被捆。你竟死得像被暴徒杀害一样!于是人民又为押尼珥哀哭。

[吕振中] 你的手未曾被捆绑;你的脚未曾被铜链锁住;你的仆倒、竟如在横暴之辈面前仆倒一样!”于是众民继续为押尼珥哀哭。

[思高本] 你的手并未束拷,你的脚也没带镣,怎么你毙命,竟如凶犯毙命一样!”为此民众更加痛哭。

[文理本] 尔手未缚、尔足未桎、尔之陨没、犹人之亡于匪类也、民复哭之、

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2 Samuel 3:34

[GNT] His hands were not tied, And his feet were not bound; He died like someone killed by criminals!" And the people wept for him again.

[BBE] Your hands were free, your feet were not chained: like the downfall of a man before evil men, so was your fall. And the weeping of the people over him went on again.

[KJV] Thy hands were not bound, nor thy feet put into fetters: as a man falleth before wicked men, so fellest thou. And all the people wept again over him.

[NKJV] Your hands were not bound Nor your feet put into fetters; As a man falls before wicked men, [so] you fell." Then all the people wept over him again.

[KJ21] Thy hands were not bound nor thy feet put into fetters. As a man falleth before wicked men, so fellest thou." And all the people wept again over him.

[NASB] Your hands were not bound, nor your feet put in bronze shackles; As one falls before the (Lit sons of wickedness)wicked, you have fallen." And all the people wept over him again.

[NRSV] Your hands were not bound, your feet were not fettered; as one falls before the wicked you have fallen." And all the people wept over him again.

[WEB] Your hands weren't bound, and your feet weren't put into fetters. As a man falls before the children of iniquity, so you fell."All the people wept again over him.

[ESV] Your hands were not bound; your feet were not fettered; as one falls before the wicked you have fallen." And all the people wept again over him.

[NIV] Your hands were not bound, your feet were not fettered. You fell as one falls before wicked men." And all the people wept over him again.

[NIrV] His hands were not tied. His feet were not chained. He died as if he had been killed by evil people." All of the people sobbed over Abner again.

[HCSB] Your hands were not bound, your feet not placed in bronze [shackles]. You fell like one who falls victim to criminals. And all the people wept over him even more.

[CSB] Your hands were not bound, your feet not placed in bronze [shackles]. You fell like one who falls victim to criminals. And all the people wept over him even more.

[AMP] Your hands were not bound or your feet put into fetters; as a man falls before wicked men, so you fell. And all the people wept again over him.

[NLT] Your hands were not bound; your feet were not chained. No, you were murdered-- the victim of a wicked plot." All the people wept again for Abner.

[YLT] Thy hands not bound, And thy feet to fetters not brought nigh! As one falling before sons of evil -- Thou hast fallen!' and all the people add to weep over him.

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