

[和合本] 云彩从会幕上挪开了。不料,米利暗长了大麻风,有雪那样白。亚伦一看米利暗长了大麻风,

[新标点] 云彩从会幕上挪开了,不料,米利暗长了大麻风,有雪那样白。亚伦一看米利暗长了大麻风,

[和合修] 当云彩从帐幕上离开时,看哪,米利暗长了麻风,像雪那么白。亚伦转向米利暗,看哪,她长了麻风。

[新译本] 云彩从会幕上离开,米利暗就长了大痲风,像雪那样白;亚伦转身过来看米利暗,见她长了大痲风。

[当代修] 云彩从会幕上离开的时候,米利暗身上患了麻风病,像雪一样白。亚伦见状,

[现代修] 云彩从圣幕上移开的时候,美莉安的皮肤突然长了麻疯,变得像雪那样白。亚伦看见她长了麻疯,

[吕振中] 云彩从会棚旁一挪开,哎呀,米利暗竟患了麻疯属之病了,就像雪那么白;亚伦向米利暗细看一下,只见她真地患了麻疯属之病了。

[思高本] 彩云一离开会幕,看,米黎盎就生了癞病,像雪那样白;亚郎转身看见米黎盎生了癞病,

[文理本] 云离会幕、米利暗患癞、色皎如雪、亚伦顾之、见其患癞、

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Numbers 12:10

[GNT] and the cloud left the Tent, Miriam's skin was suddenly covered with a dreaded disease and turned as white as snow. When Aaron looked at her and saw that she was covered with the disease,

[BBE] And the cloud was moved from over the Tent; and straight away Miriam became a leper, as white as snow: and Aaron, looking at Miriam, saw that she was a leper.

[KJV] And the cloud departed from off the tabernacle; and, behold, Miriam became leprous, white as snow: and Aaron looked upon Miriam, and, behold, she was leprous.

[NKJV] And when the cloud departed from above the tabernacle, suddenly Miriam [became] leprous, as [white as] snow. Then Aaron turned toward Miriam, and there she was, a leper.

[KJ21] And the cloud departed from off the tabernacle. And behold, Miriam became leprous, white as snow; and Aaron looked upon Miriam, and behold, she was leprous.

[NASB] But when the cloud had withdrawn from above the tent, behold, Miriam was leprous, as white as snow. As Aaron turned toward Miriam, behold, she was leprous.

[NRSV] When the cloud went away from over the tent, Miriam had become leprous, as white as snow. And Aaron turned towards Miriam and saw that she was leprous.

[WEB] The cloud departed from over the Tent; and behold, Miriam was leprous, as white as snow. Aaron looked at Miriam, and behold, she was leprous.

[ESV] When the cloud removed from over the tent, behold, Miriam was leprous, like snow. And Aaron turned toward Miriam, and behold, she was leprous.

[NIV] When the cloud lifted from above the Tent, there stood Miriam--leprous, like snow. Aaron turned toward her and saw that she had leprosy;

[NIrV] When the cloud went up from above the tent, there stood Miriam. She had a disease that made her skin as white as snow. Aaron turned toward her. He saw that she had a skin disease.

[HCSB] As the cloud moved away from the tent, Miriam's [skin] suddenly became diseased, as [white] as snow. When Aaron turned toward her, he saw that she was diseased

[CSB] As the cloud moved away from the tent, Miriam's [skin] suddenly became diseased, as [white] as snow. When Aaron turned toward her, he saw that she was diseased

[AMP] And when the cloud departed from over the Tent, behold, Miriam was leprous, as white as snow. And Aaron looked at Miriam, and, behold, she was leprous!

[NLT] As the cloud moved from above the Tabernacle, there stood Miriam, her skin as white as snow from leprosy. When Aaron saw what had happened to her,

[YLT] and the cloud hath turned aside from off the tent, and lo, Miriam [is] leprous as snow; and Aaron turneth unto Miriam, and lo, leprous!

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