

[和合本] 所罗门在以色列全地立了十二个官吏,使他们供给王和王家的食物,每年各人供给一月。

[新标点] 所罗门在以色列全地立了十二个官吏,使他们供给王和王家的食物,每年各人供给一月。

[和合修] 所罗门在全以色列有十二个官员,供给王和王室的食物,每年各人供给一个月。

[新译本] 所罗门在全以色列立了十二个官员;他们为王和王家供应食物,每人每年供应一个月。

[当代修] 所罗门在以色列全国设立了十二个地方官,负责供给王及王室的需用,每年每人负责一个月。

[现代修] 所罗门委派十二个人在以色列各地作地区总督。他们必须从所管辖的地区供应食物给王和王的家族;各区总督每年负责一个月。

[吕振中] 所罗门王有十二个大官管理全以色列;他们为王和王的家豫备食物;一年之中每月由一人豫备食物。

[思高本] (十二太守)撒罗满另立了十二个太守管理全以色列,供应君王和王室的食粮;一年之中每人供应一个月。

[文理本] 所罗门又于以色列全地、设官十二、月委其一、为王及宫廷备食物、

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1 Kings 4:7

[GNT] Solomon appointed twelve men as district governors in Israel. They were to provide food from their districts for the king and his household, each man being responsible for one month out of the year.

[BBE] And Solomon put twelve overseers over all Israel, to be responsible for the stores needed for the king and those of his house; every man was responsible for one month in the year.

[KJV] And Solomon had twelve officers over all Israel, which provided victuals for the king and his household: each man his month in a year made provision.

[NKJV] And Solomon had twelve governors over all Israel, who provided food for the king and his household; each one made provision for one month of the year.

[KJ21] And Solomon had twelve officers over all Israel, who provided victuals for the king and his household; each man his month in a year made provision.

[NASB] Solomon had twelve deputies over all Israel, who provided food for the king and his household; each deputy had to provide food for a month in the year.

[NRSV] Solomon had twelve officials over all Israel, who provided food for the king and his household; each one had to make provision for one month in the year.

[WEB] Solomon had twelve officers over all Israel, who provided food for the king and his household. Each man had to make provision for a month in the year.

[ESV] Solomon had twelve officers over all Israel, who provided food for the king and his household. Each man had to make provision for one month in the year.

[NIV] Solomon also had twelve district governors over all Israel, who supplied provisions for the king and the royal household. Each one had to provide supplies for one month in the year.

[NIrV] Solomon also had 12 local governors over the whole land of Israel. They provided supplies for the king and the royal family. Each governor had to provide supplies for one month out of each year.

[HCSB] Solomon had 12 deputies for all Israel. They provided food for the king and his household; each one made provision for one month out of the year.

[CSB] Solomon had 12 deputies for all Israel. They provided food for the king and his household; each one made provision for one month out of the year.

[AMP] Solomon had twelve officers over all Israel, who secured provisions for the king and his household; each man had to provide for a month in a year.

[NLT] Solomon also had twelve district governors who were over all Israel. They were responsible for providing food for the king's household. Each of them arranged provisions for one month of the year.

[YLT] And Solomon hath twelve officers over all Israel, and they have sustained the king and his household -- a month in the year is on each one for sustenance;

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