[和合本] 猎狗、公山羊,和无人能敌的君王。
[新标点] 猎狗,公山羊,和无人能敌的君王。
[和合修] 猎狗,公山羊,和有整排士兵的君王。
[新译本] 还有高视阔步的(“高视阔步的”原文作“束着腰的”,意义隐晦;现参古译本改译。)雄鸡和公山羊,以及率领军兵的君王。
[当代修] 昂首阔步的雄鸡, 公山羊和率领军队的君王。
[现代修] 公山羊;威武的雄鸡;无敌的君王。
[吕振中] 腰间整束的战马(意难确定。有古卷译本作‘雄鸡’)和公山羊,以及率领三军的君王(意难确定)。
[思高本] 独步鸡群中的雄鸡,开头领队的公山羊,和检阅人民的君王。
[文理本] 猎犬、牡山羊、无敌之王、○
[GNT] goats, strutting roosters, and kings in front of their people.
[BBE] The war-horse, and the he-goat, and the king when his army is with him.
[KJV] A greyhound; an he goat also; and a king, against whom there is no rising up.
[NKJV] A greyhound, A male goat also, And a king [whose] troops [are] with him.
[KJ21] a greyhound, a hegoat also, and a king against whom there is no rising up.
[NASB] The (Lit girt in the loins)strutting rooster or the male goat, And a king when his army is with him.
[NRSV] the strutting rooster, the he-goat, and a king striding before his people.
[WEB] the greyhound; the male goat; and the king against whom there is no rising up.
[ESV] the strutting rooster, the he-goat, and a king whose army is with him.
[NIV] a strutting rooster, a he-goat, and a king with his army around him.
[NIrV] The second is a rooster that walks proudly. The third is a billy goat. And the fourth is a king who has his army around him.
[HCSB] a strutting rooster, a goat, and a king at the head of his army.
[CSB] a strutting rooster, a goat, and a king at the head of his army.
[AMP] The war horse [well-knit in the loins], the male goat also, and the king [when his army is with him and] against whom there is no uprising.
[NLT] the strutting rooster, the male goat, a king as he leads his army.
[YLT] A girt one of the loins, or a he-goat, And a king -- no rising up with him.