

[和合本] 你这论断人的,无论你是谁,也无可推诿。你在什么事上论断人,就在什么事上定自己的罪。因你这论断人的,自己所行却和别人一样。

[新标点] ( 神的公义判断)你这论断人的,无论你是谁,也无可推诿。你在什么事上论断人,就在什么事上定自己的罪;因你这论断人的,自己所行却和别人一样。

[和合修] ( 神的公义审判)所以,你这评断人的人哪,无论你是谁,都无可推诿。你在什么事上评断人,就在什么事上定自己的罪。因你这评断人的,自己所做的却和别人一样。

[新译本] 你这判断人的啊!无论你是谁,都没有办法推诿。你在什么事上判断人,就在什么事上定自己的罪;因为你所作的,正是你所判断的事。

[当代修] (上帝公义的审判)因此,你这论断人的啊,不管你是谁,都难逃罪责。你在什么事上论断别人,就在什么事上定了自己的罪,因为你论断别人的事,自己也在做。

[现代修] 朋友啊,你评断别人,不管你是谁,都是不可原谅的。你评断别人,而自己所做的却跟他们一样,你就是定自己的罪了。

[吕振中] 所以一切论断的人哪,你是无可推诿的。你在什么事上论断人,就在什么事上定你自己的罪;因为你这论断人的人、正行着同样的事。

[思高本] (犹太人也是天主义怒的对象)所以,人啊!你不论是谁,你判断人,必无可推诿,因为你判断别人,就是定你自己的罪,因为你这判断人的,正作着同样的事。

[文理本] 是以凡尔拟人者、无可推诿、盖尔拟人、适以罪己、因尔所拟者、躬自蹈之也、

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Romans 2:1

[GNT] Do you, my friend, pass judgment on others? You have no excuse at all, whoever you are. For when you judge others and then do the same things which they do, you condemn yourself.

[BBE] Who, though they have knowledge of the law of God, that the fate of those who do these things is death, not only go on doing these things themselves, but give approval to those who do them.

[KJV] Therefore thou art inexcusable, O man, whosoever thou art that judgest: for wherein thou judgest another, thou condemnest thyself; for thou that judgest doest the same things.

[NKJV] Therefore you are inexcusable, O man, whoever you are who judge, for in whatever you judge another you condemn yourself; for you who judge practice the same things.

[KJ21] Therefore thou art inexcusable, O man, whosoever thou art who judgest; for wherein thou judgest another, thou condemnest thyself, for thou that judgest doest the same things.

[NASB] (The Impartiality of God) Therefore you have no excuse, (Lit O)you foolish person, everyone of you who passes judgment; for (Or when you judge)in that matter in which you judge someone else, you condemn yourself; for you who judge practice the same things.

[NRSV] Therefore you have no excuse, whoever you are, when you judge others; for in passing judgment on another you condemn yourself, because you, the judge, are doing the very same things.

[WEB] Therefore you are without excuse, O man, whoever you are who judge. For in that which you judge another, you condemn yourself. For you who judge practice the same things.

[ESV] Therefore you have no excuse, O man, every one of you who judges. For in passing judgment on another you condemn yourself, because you, the judge, practice the very same things.

[NIV] You, therefore, have no excuse, you who pass judgment on someone else, for at whatever point you judge the other, you are condemning yourself, because you who pass judgment do the same things.

[NIrV] They know that God's commands are right. They know that those who do evil things should die. But they continue to do those very things. They also approve of others who do them.

[HCSB] Therefore, anyone of you who judges is without excuse. For when you judge another, you condemn yourself, since you, the judge, do the same things.

[CSB] Therefore, anyone of you who judges is without excuse. For when you judge another, you condemn yourself, since you, the judge, do the same things.

[AMP] THEREFORE YOU have no excuse or defense or justification, O man, whoever you are who judges and condemns another. For in posing as judge and passing sentence on another, you condemn yourself, because you who judge are habitually practicing the very same things [that you censure and denounce].

[NLT] You may think you can condemn such people, but you are just as bad, and you have no excuse! When you say they are wicked and should be punished, you are condemning yourself, for you who judge others do these very same things.

[YLT] Therefore, thou art inexcusable, O man -- every one who is judging -- for in that in which thou dost judge the other, thyself thou dost condemn, for the same things thou dost practise who art judging,

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