

[和合本] 惟有结党不顺从真理,反顺从不义的,就以忿怒、恼恨报应他们。

[新标点] 惟有结党、不顺从真理、反顺从不义的,就以忿怒、恼恨报应他们;

[和合修] 但是那些自私自利、不顺从真理、反顺从不义的人,就有恼恨、愤怒报应他们。

[新译本] 却以震怒和愤恨报应那些自私自利、不顺从真理而顺从不义的人;

[当代修] 至于那些自私自利、违背真理、行为不义的人,祂的烈怒和怒气要降在他们身上。

[现代修] 至于那些自私、拒绝真理、反而随从不义的人,上帝的义愤和惩罚要临到他们。

[吕振中] 对于营私争胜、硬不顺服真理、反而顺服不义的人呢、是上帝公义的震怒。

[思高本] 凡固执于恶,不顺从真理,反顺从不义的人,报以忿怒和愤恨。

[文理本] 结党不从真理、而从非义者、以忿怒报之、

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Romans 2:8

[GNT] Other people are selfish and reject what is right, in order to follow what is wrong; on them God will pour out his anger and fury.

[BBE] To those who go on with good works in the hope of glory and honour and salvation from death, he will give eternal life:

[KJV] But unto them that are contentious, and do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness, indignation and wrath,

[NKJV] but to those who are self-seeking and do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness -- indignation and wrath,

[KJ21] but unto those who are contentious, and do not obey the truth but obey unrighteousness, indignation and wrath,

[NASB] but to those who are self-serving and do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness, He will give wrath and indignation.

[NRSV] while for those who are self-seeking and who obey not the truth but wickedness, there will be wrath and fury.

[WEB] but to those who are self-seeking, and don't obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness, will be wrath, indignation,

[ESV] but for those who are self-seeking and do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness, there will be wrath and fury.

[NIV] But for those who are self-seeking and who reject the truth and follow evil, there will be wrath and anger.

[NIrV] God will give eternal life to those who keep on doing good. They want glory, honor, and life that never ends.

[HCSB] but wrath and indignation to those who are self-seeking and disobey the truth, but are obeying unrighteousness;

[CSB] but wrath and indignation to those who are self-seeking and disobey the truth, but are obeying unrighteousness;

[AMP] But for those who are self-seeking and self-willed and disobedient to the Truth but responsive to wickedness, there will be indignation and wrath.

[NLT] But he will pour out his anger and wrath on those who live for themselves, who refuse to obey the truth and instead live lives of wickedness.

[YLT] and to those contentious, and disobedient, indeed, to the truth, and obeying the unrighteousness -- indignation and wrath,

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