

[和合本] 你为自己图谋大事吗?不要图谋!我必使灾祸临到凡有血气的。但你无论往哪里去,我必使你以自己的命为掠物。这是耶和华说的。”

[新标点] 你为自己图谋大事吗?不要图谋!我必使灾祸临到凡有血气的。但你无论往哪里去,我必使你以自己的命为掠物。这是耶和华说的。”

[和合修] 你为自己图谋大事吗?不要图谋!看哪,我必使灾祸临到凡有血肉之躯的。但你无论往哪里去,我要保全你的性命。这是耶和华说的。”

[新译本] 你要为自己图谋大事吗?不要图谋!看哪!我必使灾祸降在全人类身上,但无论你到什么地方去,我必使你捡回自己的性命。’”这是耶和华的宣告。

[当代修] 你想为自己谋求大事吗?不要谋求,因为我要给世人降下灾祸。但不论你到哪里,我必使你保住性命。这是耶和华说的。’”

[现代修] 你想为自己成就大事吗?别作梦!我要降灾难给全人类;但你无论到哪里去,至少有逃命的机会。我——上主这样宣布了。”

[吕振中] 你为自己图谋大事么?不要图谋;因为你看,永恒主发神谕说,我必使灾祸临到一切血肉之人;但你无论往什么地方去,我总要使你掠得你自己的性命。”

[思高本] 你还有什么大事可为自己请求;不必请求了。看,我给一切血肉招来灾祸──上主的断语──至于你,不论你到什么地方去,我必赐你获得性命,如获胜利品。”

[文理本] 耶和华曰、尔犹为己图大事乎、勿图焉、我必降灾于凡有血气者、惟使尔于所往之地、得获生命、如获掠物、耶和华言之矣、

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Jeremiah 45:5

[GNT] Are you looking for special treatment for yourself Don't do it. I am bringing disaster on all people, but you will at least escape with your life, wherever you go. I, the LORD, have spoken."

[BBE] And as for you, are you looking for great things for yourself? Have no desire for them: for truly I will send evil on all flesh, says the Lord: but your life I will keep safe from attack wherever you go.

[KJV] And seekest thou great things for thyself? seek them not: for, behold, I will bring evil upon all flesh, saith the LORD: but thy life will I give unto thee for a prey in all places whither thou goest.

[NKJV] "And do you seek great things for yourself? Do not seek [them;] for behold, I will bring adversity on all flesh," says the LORD. "But I will give your life to you as a prize in all places, wherever you go." ' "

[KJ21] And seekest thou great things for thyself? Seek them not; for behold, I will bring evil upon all flesh, saith the LORD, but thy life will I give unto thee for a prey in all places whither thou goest.'"

[NASB] But as for you, are you seeking great things for yourself? Do not seek them; for behold, I am going to bring disaster on all flesh,' declares the Lord, 'but I will give your life to you as plunder in all the places where you may go.'"

[NRSV] And you, do you seek great things for yourself? Do not seek them; for I am going to bring disaster upon all flesh, says the LORD; but I will give you your life as a prize of war in every place to which you may go."

[WEB] Do you seek great things for yourself? Don't seek them; for, behold, I will bring evil on all flesh,' says Yahweh; 'but I will let you escape with your life wherever you go.'"

[ESV] And do you seek great things for yourself? Seek them not, for behold, I am bringing disaster upon all flesh, declares the LORD. But I will give you your life as a prize of war in all places to which you may go."

[NIV] Should you then seek great things for yourself? Seek them not. For I will bring disaster on all people, declares the LORD, but wherever you go I will let you escape with your life.'"

[NIrV] So should you long for great things for yourself? Do not long for them. I will bring trouble on everyone," announces the Lord. "But no matter where you go, I will let you escape with your life." ' "

[HCSB] But as for you, do you seek great things for yourself? Stop seeking! For I am about to bring disaster on every living creature'-- [this is] the LORD's declaration-- 'but I will grant you your life like the spoils [of war] wherever you go.'"

[CSB] But as for you, do you seek great things for yourself? Stop seeking! For I am about to bring disaster on every living creature'-- [this is] the LORD's declaration-- 'but I will grant you your life like the spoils [of war] wherever you go.'"

[AMP] And should you seek great things for yourself? Seek them not; for behold, I will bring evil upon all flesh, says the Lord, but your life I will give to you [as your only booty and] as a [snatched] prize of war wherever you go.

[NLT] Are you seeking great things for yourself? Don't do it! I will bring great disaster upon all these people; but I will give you your life as a reward wherever you go. I, the LORD, have spoken!'"

[YLT] And thou -- thou seekest for thee great things -- do not seek, for lo, I am bringing in evil on all flesh -- an affirmation of Jehovah -- and I have given to thee thy life for a spoil, in all places whither thou goest.'

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