

[和合本] 使多人绊跌,他们也彼此撞倒,说:“起来吧!我们再往本民本地去,好躲避欺压的刀剑。”

[新标点] 使多人绊跌;他们也彼此撞倒,说:起来吧!我们再往本民本地去,好躲避欺压的刀剑。

[和合修] 他使多人绊跌,彼此撞倒。他们说:“起来,让我们回到自己的同胞、回到自己的出生地去,好躲避欺压的刀剑。”

[新译本] 他使众人绊跌,倒在一起;他们说:‘起来!我们要回到我们本族,和我们出生之地那里去,躲避欺压者的刀剑。’

[当代修] 使他们跌跌绊绊,纷纷倒下。他们说,‘起来,我们回到同胞那里,回到故乡吧,好躲避敌人的刀剑。’

[现代修] 你们的战士覆灭瓦解。他们彼此说:起来!回老家去吧!回到同胞那里,远避敌人的刀剑!

[吕振中] 你中间的杂族人绊跌(传统:他使许多人绊跌)仆倒,彼此对说(传统:彼此对撞,就说)。‘起来,我们回到我们本族人那里,回我出们出生之地去,好躲避欺压人、的刀剑。’

[思高本] 你的混合部队已离心溃退,各向自己的同僚说:起来,回到我们的民族,我们的生身地去,远避吞杀的刀剑!

[文理本] 彼令多人颠仆、互相枕藉、乃曰起哉、我侪归本族、返故土、以避凶刃、

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Jeremiah 46:16

[GNT] Your soldiers have stumbled and fallen; each one says to the other, 'Hurry! Let's go home to our people and escape the enemy's sword!'

[BBE] ... are stopped in their going, they are falling; and they say one to another, Let us get up and go back to our people, to the land of our birth, away from the cruel sword.

[KJV] He made many to fall, yea, one fell upon another: and they said, Arise, and let us go again to our own people, and to the land of our nativity, from the oppressing sword.

[NKJV] He made many fall; Yes, one fell upon another. And they said, 'Arise! Let us go back to our own people And to the land of our nativity From the oppressing sword.'

[KJ21] He made many to fall, yea, one fell upon another; and they said, `Arise, and let us go again to our own people and to the land of our nativity, from the oppressing sword.'

[NASB] They have repeatedly stumbled; Indeed, they have fallen, one against another. Then they said, 'Get up, and let's go back To our own people and our native land, Away from the (Lit oppressing sword)sword of the oppressor!'

[NRSV] Your multitude stumbled and fell, and one said to another, "Come, let us go back to our own people and to the land of our birth, because of the destroying sword."

[WEB] He made many to stumble. Yes, they fell on one another.They said, 'Arise! Let's go again to our own people, and to the land of our birth, from the oppressing sword.'

[ESV] He made many stumble, and they fell, and they said one to another, 'Arise, and let us go back to our own people and to the land of our birth, because of the sword of the oppressor.'

[NIV] They will stumble repeatedly; they will fall over each other. They will say, 'Get up, let us go back to our own people and our native lands, away from the sword of the oppressor.'

[NIrV] They will trip again and again. They will fall over one another. They will say, 'Get up. Let's go back home. Let's return to our own people and our own lands. Let's get away from the swords that will bring us great harm.'

[HCSB] He continues to stumble. Indeed, each falls over the other. They say: Get up! Let's return to our people and to the land of our birth, away from the sword that oppresses.

[CSB] He continues to stumble. Indeed, each falls over the other. They say: Get up! Let's return to our people and to the land of our birth, away from the sword that oppresses.

[AMP] [The Lord] made many to stumble and fall; yes, they fell one upon another. And they said, Arise, and let us go back to our own people and to the land of our birth, away from the sword of the oppressor.

[NLT] They stumble and fall over each other and say among themselves, 'Come, let's go back to our people, to the land of our birth. Let's get away from the sword of the enemy!'

[YLT] He hath multiplied the stumbling, Yea one hath fallen upon his neighbour, And they say: Rise, and we turn back to our people, And unto the land of our birth, Because of the oppressing sword.

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