

[和合本] (亚萨的诗歌,交与伶长。调用休要毁坏。) 神啊,我们称谢你,我们称谢你,因为你的名相近,人都述说你奇妙的作为。

[新标点] ( 神是审判者)(亚萨的诗歌,交与伶长。调用休要毁坏。) 神啊,我们称谢你,我们称谢你!因为你的名相近,人都述说你奇妙的作为。

[和合修] (亚萨的诗歌。交给圣咏团长,曲调用“休要毁坏”。 神是审判者) 神啊,我们称谢你,我们称谢你!你的名临近,人【“人”:七十士译本是“我”】都述说你奇妙的作为。

[新译本] 上帝啊!我们称谢你,我们称谢你,因为你(“你”原文作“你的名”)接近人,人都述说你奇妙的作为。

[当代修] (上帝是审判者)(亚萨的诗,交给乐长,调用“休要毁坏”。)上帝啊,我们称谢你,我们称谢你,因为你与我们同在。人们都述说你奇妙的作为。

[现代修] 上帝啊,我们感谢你,我们感谢你!我们宣扬你的伟大,述说【注63、“我们宣扬你的伟大,述说”是根据某一古译本,希伯来文是“你的名亲近;他们述说”】你奇妙的作为。

[吕振中] 我们称谢你,上帝阿,我们称谢你,呼求你的名,叙说(传统:你的名很近,他们叙说)你奇妙的作为。

[思高本] 75:1 阿撒夫的诗歌,交与乐官,调寄“莫要毁坏”75:2 我们感谢你,上主,我们感谢你,称颂你的名号,传扬你的奇迹。

[文理本] 上帝欤、我称谢尔、尔名相近、我称谢尔、人述尔之奇行兮、○

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Psalms 75:1

[GNT] We give thanks to you, O God, we give thanks to you! We proclaim how great you are and tell of the wonderful things you have done.

[BBE] To you, O God, we give praise, to you we give praise: and those who give honour to your name make clear your works of power.

[KJV] Unto thee, O God, do we give thanks, unto thee do we give thanks: for that thy name is near thy wondrous works declare.

[NKJV] To the Chief Musician. Set to "Do Not Destroy." A Psalm of Asaph. A Song. We give thanks to You, O God, we give thanks! For Your wondrous works declare [that] Your name is near.

[KJ21] Unto Thee, O God, do we give thanks, unto Thee do we give thanks. For that Thy name is near, Thy wondrous works declare.

[NASB] (God Humbles the Proud, but Exalts the Righteous. For the music director; set to (Lit Do Not Destroy)Al-tashheth. A Psalm of Asaph, a Song.) We give thanks to You, God, we give thanks, For Your name is near; People declare Your wondrous works.

[NRSV] We give thanks to you, O God; we give thanks; your name is near. People tell of your wondrous deeds.

[WEB] (For the Chief Musician. To the tune of "Do Not Destroy." A Psalm by Asaph. A song.) We give thanks to you, God. We give thanks, for your Name is near. Men tell about your wondrous works.

[ESV] TO THE CHOIRMASTER: ACCORDING TO DO NOT DESTROY. A PSALM OF ASAPH. A SONG. We give thanks to you, O God; we give thanks, for your name is near. We recount your wondrous deeds.

[NIV] We give thanks to you, O God, we give thanks, for your Name is near; men tell of your wonderful deeds.

[NIrV] For the director of music. A psalm of Asaph. A song to the tune of "Do Not Destroy." God, we give thanks to you. We give thanks because your Name is near. People talk about the wonderful things you have done.

[HCSB] [For the choir director: "Do Not Destroy." A psalm of Asaph. A song.] We give thanks to You, God; we give thanks to You, for Your name is near. People tell about Your wonderful works.

[CSB] [For the choir director: "Do Not Destroy." A psalm of Asaph. A song.] We give thanks to You, God; we give thanks to You, for Your name is near. People tell about Your wonderful works.

[AMP] To the Chief Musician; [set to the tune of]``Do Not Destroy." A Psalm of Asaph. A song. WE GIVE praise and thanks to You, O God, we praise and give thanks; Your wondrous works declare that Your Name is near and they who invoke Your Name rehearse Your wonders.

[NLT] We thank you, O God! We give thanks because you are near. People everywhere tell of your wonderful deeds.

[YLT] To the Overseer. -- 'Destroy not.' -- A Psalm of Asaph. -- A Song. We have given thanks to Thee, O God, We have given thanks, and near [is] Thy name, They have recounted Thy wonders.

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