

[和合本] 愿主我们 神的荣美归于我们身上。愿你坚立我们手所作的工;我们手所作的工,愿你坚立。

[新标点] 愿主—我们 神的荣美归于我们身上。愿你坚立我们手所做的工;我们手所做的工,愿你坚立。

[和合修] 愿主—我们 神的恩宠归于我们身上。愿你坚立我们手所做的工,我们手所做的工,愿你坚立。

[新译本] 愿主我们的上帝的恩慈临到我们身上;愿你为我们的缘故,坚立我们手所作的工;我们手所作的工,愿你坚立。

[当代修] 愿主——我们的上帝恩待我们,使我们所做的亨通,使我们所做的亨通。

[现代修] 主——我们的上帝啊,求你赐福给我们!求你使我们一切的工作顺利;求你使我们所做的一切成功。我们的保护者上帝

[吕振中] 愿主我们的上帝之恩美归于我们身上;愿你坚立我们的手所作的工、于我们身上;我们的手所作的工、愿你坚立它。

[思高本] 90:17 愿上主我们的天主给我们广施仁风,求你促使我们所行的工作顺利成功,求你促使我们所行的工作顺利成功。

[文理本] 愿我主上帝之恩临我、尚其坚立我手所作、我手所作、坚立之兮、

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Psalms 90:17

[GNT] Lord our God, may your blessings be with us. Give us success in all we do!

[BBE] Let the pleasure of the Lord our God be on us: O Lord, give strength to the work of our hands.

[KJV] And let the beauty of the LORD our God be upon us: and establish thou the work of our hands upon us; yea, the work of our hands establish thou it.

[NKJV] And let the beauty of the LORD our God be upon us, And establish the work of our hands for us; Yes, establish the work of our hands.

[KJ21] And let the beauty of the LORD our God be upon us, and establish Thou the work of our hands for us--yea, the work of our hands, establish Thou it.

[NASB] May the kindness of the Lord our God be upon us; And (Or give permanence to)confirm for us the work of our hands; Yes, (Or give permanence to)confirm the work of our hands.

[NRSV] Let the favor of the Lord our God be upon us, and prosper for us the work of our hands-- O prosper the work of our hands!

[WEB] Let the favor of the Lord our God be on us. Establish the work of our hands for us. Yes, establish the work of our hands.

[ESV] Let the favor of the Lord our God be upon us, and establish the work of our hands upon us; yes, establish the work of our hands!

[NIV] May the favor of the Lord our God rest upon us; establish the work of our hands for us--yes, establish the work of our hands.

[NIrV] May the Lord our God show us his favor. Lord, make what we do succeed. Please make what we do succeed.

[HCSB] Let the favor of the Lord our God be on us; establish for us the work of our hands-- establish the work of our hands!

[CSB] Let the favor of the Lord our God be on us; establish for us the work of our hands-- establish the work of our hands!

[AMP] And let the beauty and delightfulness and favor of the Lord our God be upon us; confirm and establish the work of our hands--yes, the work of our hands, confirm and establish it.

[NLT] And may the Lord our God show us his approval and make our efforts successful. Yes, make our efforts successful!

[YLT] And let the pleasantness of Jehovah our God be upon us, And the work of our hands establish on us, Yea, the work of our hands establish it!

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