

[和合本] 被掳去的快得释放,必不死而下坑;他的食物也不至缺乏。

[新标点] 被掳去的快得释放,必不死而下坑;他的食物也不致缺乏。

[和合修] 被掳的即将得释放,不至于死而下入地府,也不致缺乏食物。

[新译本] 被掳的快得释放了,他们必不会死,必不会下到阴间里,他们的食物也必不会缺乏。

[当代修] 被囚的人快得释放了,他们不会死在牢中,也不会缺乏食物。

[现代修] 被捆绑的人快要得自由了;他们将享长寿,将得饱足。

[吕振中] 屈身的俘虏很快就要得开释了;他必不死而到冥坑去,他也不至于缺乏食物。

[思高本] 囚禁的人即将释放,不致死于深坑,他的口粮也不会缺乏。

[文理本] 屈身之俘、得释必速、免死于阱、其粮不绝、

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Isaiah 51:14

[GNT] Those who are prisoners will soon be set free; they will live a long life and have all the food they need.

[BBE] The prisoner, bent under his chain, will quickly be made free, and will not go down into the underworld, and his bread will not come to an end.

[KJV] The captive exile hasteneth that he may be loosed, and that he should not die in the pit, nor that his bread should fail.

[NKJV] The captive exile hastens, that he may be loosed, That he should not die in the pit, And that his bread should not fail.

[KJ21] The captive exile hasteneth that he may be loosed, that he should not die in the pit, nor that his bread should fail.

[NASB] The (Lit one in chains)exile will soon be set free, and will not die in the (Lit pit)dungeon, nor will his bread be lacking.

[NRSV] The oppressed shall speedily be released; they shall not die and go down to the Pit, nor shall they lack bread.

[WEB] The captive exile will speedily be freed. He will not die and go down into the pit. His bread won't fail.

[ESV] He who is bowed down shall speedily be released; he shall not die and go down to the pit, neither shall his bread be lacking.

[NIV] The cowering prisoners will soon be set free; they will not die in their dungeon, nor will they lack bread.

[NIrV] You prisoners who are so afraid will soon be set free. You will not die in your prison cells. You will not go without food.

[HCSB] The prisoner is soon to be set free; he will not die [and go] to the Pit, and his food will not be lacking.

[CSB] The prisoner is soon to be set free; he will not die [and go] to the Pit, and his food will not be lacking.

[AMP] The captive exile and he who is bent down by chains shall speedily be released; and he shall not die and go down to the pit of destruction, nor shall his food fail.

[NLT] Soon all you captives will be released! Imprisonment, starvation, and death will not be your fate!

[YLT] Hastened hath a wanderer to be loosed, And he doth not die at the pit, And his bread is not lacking.

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