

[和合本] 耶稣知道他们所议论的,就说:“你们心里议论的是什么呢?

[新标点] 耶稣知道他们所议论的,就说:“你们心里议论的是什么呢?

[和合修] 耶稣知道他们所议论的,就回答他们说:“你们心里为什么议论呢?

[新译本] 耶稣知道他们的议论,就对他们说:“你们心里为什么议论呢?

[当代修] 耶稣知道他们的想法,就问:“你们为什么心里议论呢?

[现代修] 耶稣看穿了他们的念头,就对他们说:“你们心里为什么这样想呢?

[吕振中] 耶稣觉出他们的意念来,就回答他们说:“你们为什么心里议论呢?

[思高本] 耶稣看透了他们的心思,就向他们说:“你们心里忖度什么呢?

[文理本] 耶稣知其所议、曰、尔心何议耶、

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Luke 5:22

[GNT] Jesus knew their thoughts and said to them, "Why do you think such things?

[BBE] But Jesus, who had knowledge of their thoughts, said to them, Why are you reasoning in your hearts?

[KJV] But when Jesus perceived their thoughts, he answering said unto them, What reason ye in your hearts?

[NKJV] But when Jesus perceived their thoughts, He answered and said to them, "Why are you reasoning in your hearts?

[KJ21] But when Jesus perceived their thoughts, He answering said unto them, "What reason ye in your hearts:

[NASB] But Jesus, (Or perceiving)aware of their thoughts, responded and said to them, "Why are you thinking this way in your hearts?

[NRSV] When Jesus perceived their questionings, he answered them, "Why do you raise such questions in your hearts?

[WEB] But Jesus, perceiving their thoughts, answered them,"Why are you reasoning so in your hearts?

[ESV] When Jesus perceived their thoughts, he answered them, "Why do you question in your hearts?

[NIV] Jesus knew what they were thinking and asked, "Why are you thinking these things in your hearts?

[NIrV] Jesus knew what they were thinking. So he asked, "Why are you thinking these things in your hearts?

[HCSB] But perceiving their thoughts, Jesus replied to them, "Why are you reasoning this in your hearts?

[CSB] But perceiving their thoughts, Jesus replied to them, "Why are you reasoning this in your hearts?

[AMP] But Jesus, knowing their thoughts and questionings, answered them, Why do you question in your hearts?

[NLT] Jesus knew what they were thinking, so he asked them, "Why do you question this in your hearts?

[YLT] And Jesus having known their reasonings, answering, said unto them, 'What reason ye in your hearts?

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